LITL 1 Review | Small Size & Small Price

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litl1 front

Frankly, I was not in the least bit enthusiastic about reviewing the LITL 1 when The Giggle Grass offered to loan me a unit to write my thoughts. The LITL 1 is an entry-level conduction vaporiser ie. a “sipper” type device that extracts herbs slowly through conduction heating. I didn’t hate the idea but after using commendable portables like the Dynavap MCrafty+ and Airvape Legacy Pro, the thought of going back to using a beginner device, similar to my old XMAX Vital, did not spark joy.

Fast forward a couple of weeks of using the LITL 1 exclusively and I was reminded that even low-end vapes are satisfying. The LITL 1’s tiny size makes it stand out among other entry-level devices but the biggest thing it has going for it is its affordability - it is available for just $23.99 at the time of writing.

The device was released in 2020 as far as I can tell. Wherever I looked online, I saw the device being only referred to as the “LITL 1” with no company name affixed to it, which I found a bit weird. I could not find any evidence of “LITL 1” existing as a company either. According to the back of the box. the LITL 1 is a device that is manufactured in China and sold by a company called Thermodyne Systems registered in Germany and Canada. It seems to be somehow associated with TVAPE, which owns dry herb vaporiser brands like Utillian and Zeus. The device comes with a 90-day warranty and I guess TVAPE provides customer support for the LITL 1.

Keep reading to know about the LITL 1’s features, my thoughts on the device and whether it is the right device for you.


litl 1 front with box

The packaging and presentation are fitting for the price without feeling cheap. The device comes in an appropriately tiny box with a plastic tray that includes the glass mouthpiece, a USB-A to micro-USB cable and a user manual. There isn’t much of an unboxing experience to speak of but I was pleasantly surprised to see how small the LITL 1 actually is when I opened the box.

Style, Materials & Dimensions

I had no idea that a dry herb vaporiser could even be this small before I laid eyes on the unit. Without the mouthpiece, the LITL 1 is shockingly small - 2.6” tall, 1.4” wide, 0.7” thick and weighs less than 71 grams. This makes it the smallest and lightest electronic dry herb vaporiser that I have used or even heard about. It easily fits in the palm and is small enough to be kept in a pocket with other stuff.

litl 1 back

The device’s plastic body isn’t the toughest but it feels fairly sturdy. The device comes in a single colour - black - and I think a few more colours would’ve made it more attractive for beginners.

The device has a ceramic heating chamber and I like this material because it provides tasty vapour, remains clean and is durable. The glass mouthpiece is fitted to the device using silicone rings and there is a stainless steel screen to keep out herb particles. The base of the mouthpiece is made of plastic and stainless steel, and also has a ceramic filter which I recommend removing to improve airflow.

I would’ve preferred some other material for the mouthpiece, like ceramic, as a glass mouthpiece makes the device less mobile. Glass is fragile and special care needs to be taken to ensure that it does not break during travel. I used a Dynavap tube with some cotton at the bottom to store the glass mouthpiece and found it secure enough to carry. A small pen case might also be a good option for carrying the LITL 1.

Device Controls

litl 1 close up

The LITL 1 is a minimal device which presents the user with almost no options to control their experience. There is only one button on the whole device and it is simply used for turning the device on and off. Pressing the button five times turns the LITL 1 on or off and the device starts heating up to a single fixed temperature of 420 °F (215 °C). I think this was a good choice of temperature as it is high enough to extract most herbal compounds while keeping the smell minimal and avoiding combustion.

When the user turns the device on, a green light starts blinking and which becomes stable after 45 seconds and is accompanied by a vibration. As far as I can tell, the blinking and vibration seem to be set to a timer (and not a temperature sensor) as it happens every time the device is turned on, including when it is already hot. There is an automatic shut-off timer set to 4 minutes and the duration cannot be changed.

The device also has a red LED which blinks to indicate low battery. I read that there is also a secret yellow LED which indicates a fault with the device.

litl 1 bottom air intake control

The only room for customising the user experience is in airflow control. The bottom of the device has an air intake hole covered by a swinging door. The door can be adjusted to allow the desired amount of cool air to be mixed with the vapour while taking a hit. I prefer to keep it around 75% open to barely restrict airflow.

Battery Life

One of the most obvious drawbacks of the LITL 1 is that the small size means it comes with a small battery. The device is equipped with an 850 mAh battery which lasts me 3-4 sessions or around 15-20 minutes of use. On the plus side, it takes just 45 minutes to fully charge the battery.

litl 1 micro usb charging port

The LITL 1 has a micro-USB port for charging, which is outdated as USB-C has become the standard. It is a bit of an inconvenience as it means you have to keep an extra cable around but ultimately is not a big deal. When the charging cable is connected, a red LED light next to the charging port lights up to indicate that the device is charging, which turns green when the device is fully charged.

Heat is the worst enemy of any battery and this device heats up quite considerably if you use it for more than 5 minutes. Therefore, the battery life is bound to degrade over time and degradation is more noticeable in small batteries. The small battery negatively affects the longevity of the device as the unit will be unusable when the battery dies.

I came across multiple complaints regarding the battery life of the device with some complaining that the battery does not even last for a single full session. In my experience, the battery life was adequate the battery performed as expected, so I have to assume they had faulty devices or worn-out batteries.

Device Performance

litl 1 ceramic heating chamber

As mentioned previously, the LITL 1 is a pure conduction dry herb vaporiser which has a ceramic heating chamber to vaporise herbs at a fixed temperature of 420 °F (215 °C). It is a slow sipper and not a hard hitter but this does not mean that it is ineffective. The LITL 1 does not put out huge clouds but it will take you to the clouds when you use it right.

The LITL 1’s bowl can hold 0.2g of herb which is more than enough for me for a single session. However, it might not be enough if you plan to share the device. The device is shareable between two people but it simply does not hold enough herb or last long enough to be shared by a group of people.

My preferred way to use the LITL 1 is to grind herbs medium-fine and pack the bowk tightly using the end of a paintbrush. Though the device will indicate that it is ready in 45 seconds, I find it better to wait for another 30-45 seconds before taking the first hit. This usually gives me a tasty hit with visible vapour. I take a hit every minute or so and it takes around 5 minutes for the device to completely stop producing vapour.

long glass mouthpiece

Something to note here is that Giggle Grass sent me the device with a long glass mouthpiece instead of the default short mouthpiece. I have been told that all LITL 1 units purchased through them will come with a long mouthpiece as the short mouthpiece can become too hot while the device is working. The short mouthpiece will of course also be included.

I appreciate them doing this as this was an actual concern I had while testing the unit. I noticed that the bottom of the mouthpiece would get extremely hot and the stock mouthpiece would probably have ended up burning my lips. The long mouthpiece is effective at cooling and also preventing herb particles from entering the mouth.

The stainless steel mesh which keeps herb out of the mouthpiece does a fair job of keeping ‘scooby snacks’ out of the user’s mouth but I wish it would’ve been finer for better filtration.

One of the advantages of a sipper-type vape is that they are less noticeable to others. They provide better discretion as there are no huge clouds of vapour and the LITL is small enough to completely hide inside the palm (though holding the hot device in your palm is uncomfortable). The fixed temperature of 420 °F also helps with discretion as the vapour doesn’t smell too much compared to higher temperatures.

As someone with lung issues, I also find that sipper vapes are less irritating for the lungs. I found myself coughing and wheezing less compared to hard hitters. That being said, if you suffer from lung irritation, be wary of using the LITL 1 for extended sessions as inhaling hot air for a long time is not good for the lungs.

Cleaning & Maintainance

One of the best things about the LITL 1 is that it is easy to maintain. The ceramic chamber can be scrubbed with a cotton bud dipped in 99% isopropyl alcohol to remove any resin that might have accumulated.

The mouthpiece can be dismantled and the plastic mouthpiece base, stainless steel mesh and glass mouthpiece can all be cleaned using iso. It takes only a few minutes to clean the whole device but you should wait at least an hour to allow the iso to evaporate. A ‘burn off’ session is also recommended, meaning that you turn the device on and let it heat up without any herb in the chamber till it turns off automatically in 4 minutes.

Depending on your usage, cleaning the device every two to four weeks may be enough.

LITL 1 Price & Where to Buy in India

The LITL 1 is available on Terpene Central for ₹4,750 using the discount code DESITED5 and on The Giggle Grass for ₹5,499 at the time of writing, making this the most affordable electronic dry herb vaporiser available in India currently.

LITL 1 vs Dynavap - Which is Better for Beginners?

litl 1 and dynavap b

When it comes to budget devices, your other option in the same price range is the flame-powered Dynavap B which is more powerful but has significant drawbacks. Though Dynavaps have better durability and longevity, they come at the huge cost of convenience, discretion and portability. The LITL 1 is a device you can use anywhere at any time and sadly I cannot say the same for analogue dry herb vaporisers. Dynavaps also have a longer learning curve than the LITL 1 which works with just one button.

There are many factors to consider while choosing between the two and there is no right or wrong choice as everyone has different needs. If you value discretion and convenience over performance, the LITL 1 may be more suited to you than a Dynavap. On the other hand, if you desire the biggest clouds at the lowest price, you would be better off getting a Dynavap.

If you are a light user, the LITL 1 is a good choice as can easily handle at least 3 sessions in one charge which should last you a day. Heavy users who vape throughout the day might find this inadequate and therefore the battery-free nature of Dynavap could be more to your liking.

The bowl capacities are roughly the same and quite small, so neither is great for sharing between a group. However, Dynavap has an edge in this regard as it extracts faster, meaning it is ready for the next session sooner.

If you are looking for a ‘one-and-done’ device with no intention of upgrading to a better device later, Dynavap is definitely the way to go. The LITL 1’s battery is an Achilles’ heel as it is guaranteed to become worse over time and eventually stop working. Dynavaps are renowned for being practically invincible and as powerful as high-end electronic devices.

If you’re just looking to dip your toes into dry herb vaping without spending too much on your first device, the LITL 1 is a great entry point. Once you are convinced that this method works for you, you can upgrade to a more powerful electronic device down the line. You might not find the need to upgrade in terms of performance, but I wouldn’t expect the battery to last more than two to three years, at which point you will be forced to buy a replacement unit or a different device.


litl 1 lying down

The LITL 1 is a small, light and inexpensive electronic dry herb vaporiser which is perfect for most casual users. It is easy to use and easy to maintain. There is no learning curve as you just need to know how to turn it on and off.

If you are someone who wants to quit smoking without spending a bomb on a vaporiser - or simply don’t want the hassle of torch-powered devices - the LITL 1 will get the job done just fine.

If you already own a dry herb vaporiser, the LITL 1 serves as a good companion device that you can carry with you on a day out.

With the device making the process of vaporisation as simple as pressing a button, the LITL 1 is a decent introduction to the world of vaporisation. The only thing newbies need to adjust to are the differences in the mental and physical sensations involved in and caused by vaporisation compared to smoking.

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Got questions? Want to share your experience with the LITL 1? Drop a comment or DM me on Reddit.

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  1. Is this a paid review ?
    The litl1 is absolute trash
    I wasted my money on it.
    Eventually got a dynavap

    1. It's not a paid review. Thanks for sharing your opinion.


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